Sunday, 25 November 2012

 TMH, The mad Honkies, A play on words Maeo, If anybody can stitch the two MAOE-TMH I'll be grateful..

Inspired by The Mad Ethnics crew London. 1989-90
Take one, fina64 characters  when skinny lines where in void, to get skinny lines back then with carplan stock caps.. it was painted very fast so close to the wall you'd scrap your top half trigger finger off!! Love the colours (lack of due to no colour schemes like today) and background which is the same Colour-scheme, Just Abstracted as you go fill styles with just 1 thin outline/shines to break it up..

 old Fina (Twice-Jazeo) silva 1985, Subway Tunnels St.mellons. They made these subways with big rocks, we've had ideas of getting tons of outside filler to make these smooth and paint-able, over the  these Subways have a lot of Cardiff graffiti history attached to them, (but rain, wear, then the buff cleared it all..), with some of the very first pieces in Cardiff in 84 by Pnut, Twice, Robbo of (Not the same King Robbo) AKA Top 3, Crew from early 1984..the small amount of photos that were took have been lost,

 mini can of carplan i seen online,,
 Prob one of the very first pieces in the UK, London when he toured with the clash in 1981 , Laylow, (Ladbroke grove-Wesbourne park)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
This was a huge inspiration from back in the day, Artful dodger painted this, it was put on billboards to mags around the country, He did this, then a TV advert, Plus did work for TDK cassette tapes..

Subway ghosts..
 An Old Finaoutline reach at the Subways St.mellons, this dates back to around 1986
 Old Pnut reach from 1984, St.Mellons
 Top 3 Reach,.. Crew name during 1984 before they brought out Hard.Rock.Concept in 85/6. They did fall out for a few months before making up again and reforming first a crew called, (S.W.T), and a few other crew names, before settling in on HRC...This was good learning for us as they Battled each other with Illegal Burners done on walls over night,  I'd say it was a draw, though Twice ( Fina 64-Fina outline-Jazeo) dropped a classic new york style piece, called No Crime Graffiti overnight straight on to a wall  that surrounded a church in Trowbride. While Pnut ( Coma-Aroe) by then Killed it on a game spot on the side a flat, facing a busy main road in the middle of St Mellons called " KING" with a luminous yellow border on the piece..Just wish we had all the photos.. its not like today with cameras everywhere, with us etc..It was soon resolved after a few other pieces etc.                                                            
 Old white faded..Jaze tag from 87-8
 Me and Mao in a simple commission for CDT, all in Dupi-color..
 Very Very Drunk street bombing from 91-2
More Twatted Bombin Very high this time, lets say..

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